Cabbage Challenge

Sorry for writing so late. It took ages to upload the images, so I just went to bed because it was already 1 am.

Removing the plan to go running because of the rain, I slept till 7:30 am. I continued with having a shower like always, followed by a breakfast with Semir. This time, I took a picture! But you should never go to the dining hall so late because it was really crowded.

We had a lecture about general information at 9 am. Its content was about inter-culture learning, including the different phases when going to a different country (honeymoon phase, hating everything, get used to it and finally loving it), dos and don’ts, and so on. It was also about dormitory rules (really strict) and essential stuff about courses, visa, journeys, and some more essential information. It was a pity that they didn’t use a microphone. Especially when it came to the important stuff, we couldn’t hear the speaker well.

Actually, this day was quite boring. That’s because my friends had the medical check, which took them till 5 pm away. So, after the lecture, I cleaned my room, sorted my stuff, and set up my course schedule. Unhappily, the Chinese course collides with my main courses. 🙁 Even if the beginner’s class would be just a repeating, it’s still a great opportunity to refresh my Chinese and get back into it. I’m also thinking of learning more vocabulary only by myself as there is no further course offered. I need to set up my goals soon because I’m getting bored without having one or multiple goals. I thought about doing much sport, complete my English grammar book, and learn HSK 3 vocabularies by myself. Anyway, my classes are just from week 4 to week 10. So, web mining and content management systems and digital libraries are for six weeks only. That means I’m done with studying at the end of October! Maybe I will attend to the Chinese course at that time. I still have some days to think about it.

I also noticed that I have another really big problem. The cable of loading my MacBook is broken. I always get shocked, which is annoying.

Okay, after cleaning everything, I bought that Chinese book required by the Chinese course. I talked with many people (especially with Semir and some of his friends) for one hour and went to the dining hall to have lunch. I showed I want the same dish as my predecessor. That way of ordering food sucks. I want to learn to speak different dishes in Chinese. It’s crucial. Anyway, one minute after ordering, a dish came in. I took it, but it was not mine. It was a little awkward.

The next two hours, I slept and was waked up by a bunch of messages. They finally did arrive, and they wanted to come over. So, we hang out in my room for a while. Then we planned to go to a karaoke bar. But first, we decided to have dinner. As always, we went to the Halal dining hall as Namira is Muslim. This time, I tried to eat extraordinary healthily, but it was not enjoyable. The food was so disgusting that I’ll never buy it again. At least I asked Ridmi following: “If you eat this bunch of cabbage, I give you 5元.” She said she’ll do it for 10. I agreed, and she successfully finished the challenge resulting in losing 10元. It was hilarious!

Some of us already left us, and it already got late. Thus we decided not to go to the karaoke bar. Instead, we wanted to visit Ahniyah’s mom. It took us long. We took the subway and changed the subway two times. After going through 16 stations and a following 20 minutes walk, we finally reached our destination. She has an apartment with two Chinese people. In her room were three monitors and one laptop. She was making money, trading with stocks. She taught us how she is doing it. It was interesting, although I already knew much of it. She is pretty smart, though. I won’t go any deeper into what she was saying because I’m too tired. Anyhow, the Chinese girl got us a Didi driver (Chinese copy of uber), who had a luxury car as we were too tired moving the whole way to the campus again. It is always a little weird, not speaking to the driver. But I think I’ll get used to it. After 45 minutes, we finally arrived.

That was my day, and I’m already curious about my day tomorrow!

Comments: 1

  1. Sylvia says:

    ein gebrochenes Ladekabel dürfte aber in china kein großes Problem sein, da in den Seitenstraßen von Peking bereits 2010 dafür zahlreichen Händler waren …. bedeutet als Suchen!!

    deine Berichte lesen sich wirklich gut und die Fotos lassen zahlreiche Erinnerungen bei Eckhart und mir aufkommen, denn auch wir mussten uns erstmal daran gewöhnen, dass wir bis zu 2 Stunden innerhalb des U-Bahnnetzes unterwegs waren, bis wir Qingqing dann abends irgendwo zum Essen trafen.

    zumal du doch schon nette Kontakte gefunden hast und dies nicht alles ganz alleine stemmen musst.
    Weiter so!

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